How I found Magnesium

The story how magnesium came into my life

Posted by magnesiumMan on January 4, 2015


Six month before I discovered that my body was suffering from a magnesium deficiency I found myself under an extreme high stress level. I felt the exact same stress before when I was around 20 years old. A burnout at very young age. Luckily for me that happened so I could react immediately when it happened again. I immediately slowed down my life and tried to do as less as possible to give my nerves and body some rest. That worked out in a way because I could function ‘normally’ again after a few weeks.

At that moment I was in a relationship which suffered under the stress. I wasn't emotionally stable and open enough to discuss problems in a decent manner so we did not manage to hold on. When we broke up I found myself in an extreme panic mode which triggered my nerves even more.

During that period my left leg and arm felt numb on certain days. My father died from cancer and I remember that the first symptoms he noticed was losing control over his arm due to a tumor pressing his nerves. Which planted terrible thoughts like; I’m going to die!. (haha, crazy depressed people)

All this added up made me fall into a big black hole. Since stress is the worst enemy of magnesium this made my deficiency even worst. At some point my nerves where so stressed that I was crying for almost all day. I truly never felt so miserable before in my life.

I talked a lot about my feelings with people around me to find a way out. At some point I talked to my sister and she reminded me of a a pattern she regignised in my stressed behaviour. It happened before... So she asked me, would you be open for some medical treatment? My sister had a point there. If I'm honest to myself these are patterns which expose when I am in stressful situations or in an ugly argument.

I'm not a fan of manipulating my body with chemicals. But being so low to the ground I thought that maybe medication could be a possibility to deal with these issues once and for all. The next day I had a talk with a very good friend and I told him I was considering taking medication to give my body some rest. He told me that when he was stressed he used magnesium supplements to get some rest. Immediately when he left I started reading on the internet about that particular mineral.

Because I finally admitted to myself that I was depressed, I googled with the query ‘magnesium depression’. I was surprised about the information I found on that query! It kept me reading for the next three days.

Magnesium mindshift

How my behavior adapted to a low magnesium level

Posted by Start Bootstrap on August 24, 2014

Getting my first bottle of magnesium

I went to the shop and asked for magnesium. I explained that I was emotionally unstable and that I was looking for magnesium. There are many forms of magnesium, more on that later, but the guy at the shop knew which exactly which form I was looking for. I purchased the bottle and took two pills. And that is where the magic happened. After one hour my excessive crying was gone! I felt grief but it did not put my system in this panic trap anymore. I was so happy that I might have found that my body had a magnesium deficiency. I call it my magnesium euphoria

It did not last for long, after two hours I was stressed again and I found that I had to take more to keep calm. So That what I am doing for the rest of the days since.

Getting my first bottle of magnesium

    • It’s very hard to get sufficient magnesium through food.
    • Stress keeps magnesium from being processed in your body.

So I continued reading and stumbled on a website with symptoms of magnesium deficiency. That's is when it hit me. I recognized many of the symptoms and they where not new to me at all.

    • Low on energy
    • Bad memory
    • Num feeling in arms and legs
    • Fears
    • Low on energy
    • Nervous behavior
    • Bad concentration
    • Restless
    • Shaky hands
    • Trouble finding the right word
    • Fast irritations
    • Pain in my back
    • Heavy heart rate

So before I made the step to use a chemical treatment I thought, what the hack, i’ll give magnesium a shot. I felt very low on energy and I was crying almost all day long. I went to the shop and asked for magnesium. I explained that I was emotionally unstable (which was pretty unnecessary because of my shaky appearance and red eyes) and I heard that magnesium could help out. There are many forms of magnesium, more on that later, but the guy at the shop knew which form I was looking for immediately.

He gave me the bottle, I cried some more on my way back home and took two pills. And that is where the magic happened. After 1 hour my excessive crying was gone! I felt grief but it did not put my system in this crying trap anymore. I was so happy that I might have found that my body had a magnesium deficiency. I call it my magnesium euphony.